Career & Money

Tess shares her unique expertise on the challenges young people face today.

How to Tell Your Manager You Need a Break

How to Tell Your Manager You Need a Break

Alexandra, new to the workforce, is finding it tough to know when it’s time to take a break. Her transition from full-time student to full-time employee has been overwhelming. When you’re in school and studying for finals you know you have a long break coming up, which gives you the extra push you need to finish strong and stay motivated. Now it feels like work is just one long final exam and there is no extended holiday vacation to rest and recharge. While you feel exhausted all day long and need more and more coffee to stay awake, you find yourself awake at 2am thinking about the day...

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The One Superpower You Need to Develop to be  Successful in the New Hybrid Workplace

The One Superpower You Need to Develop to be Successful in the New Hybrid Workplace

There’s never a moment in life more lonely than when you’re at home and you’ve had a very difficult meeting with your manager, or you’ve just finished a presentation you’ve been working on for weeks, and you press that blue “leave” button on Zoom. Suddenly, you’re alone with no one to talk to, process with, or even download what just happened. When the pandemic hit and people started working remotely from their kitchen tables and bedrooms, employees experienced a range of emotions. Some were thrilled, while others were unhappy, but whether you love or hate remote work, the biggest loss to an...

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The Smartest Business Decision Your Organization Can Make in 2023

The Smartest Business Decision Your Organization Can Make in 2023

This may sound counterintuitive, but helping your employees improve their mental health could be one of the smartest business decisions your organization makes this year. Poor mental health costs organizations and employers a lot of money. It’s estimated that globally, 12 billion working days are lost every year to depression and anxiety at a cost of $1 trillion annually in lost productivity. There has always been a direct correlation between an employee’s level of happiness and satisfaction at work and their level of productivity. When employees feel safe, heard, and seen, no matter what...

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Can A Bad Economy Make A Quarter-Life Crisis Worse?

Can A Bad Economy Make A Quarter-Life Crisis Worse?

While it’s never fun or easy to go through a crisis, if you allow yourself to sit with the discomfort of facing the changes you need to make, it can change your life for the better. A quarter-life crisis is a period of uncertainty in which a young person starts to question the direction of their life. It can be a time of great confusion and upheaval but a vital process to better understanding yourself and the kind of person you want to become. Any kind of crisis you go through is challenging. The quarter-life crisis can be particularly difficult because when you’re young, the possibilities...

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3 Ways to Improve Your Mental Health This  Summer If You’re Thinking About Quitting Your Job

3 Ways to Improve Your Mental Health This Summer If You’re Thinking About Quitting Your Job

Do you remember that feeling when you were in school as May became June? The days got longer and longer, the weather got hotter and hotter, and everyone started to count the days until summer break. There was this feeling in the air that anything was possible, and you had two and a half months of long blissful days ahead of you. You’re an adult now, and you work, and the days of two and a half months off are long behind you (unless you became a teacher). Even worse, you’re really unhappy at work, and you’re thinking about leaving your job, but the prospect of spending your summer months...

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5 Ways To Turn Your Quarter Life Crisis Around In 2023

5 Ways To Turn Your Quarter Life Crisis Around In 2023

There is so much pressure in a new year to make big changes, stop bad habits, start better habits, let go of the past, and on and on. If you’re in the midst of a quarter-life crisis, or if you’re at a place in your life where you feel stuck and unsure of which way to go, a new year can create added pressure to have it all “figured out” so this year can be different than the last. Getting through a tough time in your life isn’t about closing your eyes and hoping for the best, and it’s not about looking around and seeing what other people are doing and thinking they know something you don’t....

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Why GenZ is Turning to Social Media to Expose Toxic Workplace Cultures

Why GenZ is Turning to Social Media to Expose Toxic Workplace Cultures

In previous generations, the corporate culture was whatever the branding and communications department put out there about a company. Gen-Z is the first generation to turn to social media to share their work experiences – the good, the bad, and the toxic. It’s giving employees a voice while also changing the way companies build a reputation for themselves. By 2025 27% of the workforce will be Gen-Z, and just like when Millennials entered the workforce, there are a lot of misconceptions about what Gen-Z really wants. The Gen-Zers who are entering the workforce right now were in grade school...

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Young People: Use This Technique To Teach Your Boss

Young People: Use This Technique To Teach Your Boss

There are currently five generations in the workplace. Having employees from so many different generations means there are a lot of different perspectives, which can be challenging, but it’s also an opportunity to change the outdated ways workplaces have run for so many years. These varying perspectives can either be a tool to improve retention and increase engagement, or they can be used as a way to stay stuck in thinking that younger employees don’t have anything to add to an established organization. What Is Reverse Mentoring? One way companies can address this issue is by creating...

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What Young People Can Do When Colleagues Steal Their Ideas At Work

What Young People Can Do When Colleagues Steal Their Ideas At Work

Your hands are shaking as you click “leave” to exit your team’s weekly check-in. You had been talking to a “friend” of yours at work about an idea you have that will save your team a lot of time and money, but you were still trying to figure out when to present it to your boss. Toward the end of today’s meeting, your manager asked if anyone had anything else to say, and before you knew it, your “friend” was talking about your idea! You’re frozen in shock. You think you might have misheard her because she couldn’t have just passed off your idea as hers?! And when you look over at her little...

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4 Mindset Shifts for Young Workers Thinking Of Quietly Quitting

4 Mindset Shifts for Young Workers Thinking Of Quietly Quitting

Have you been thinking about “quietly quitting?” It seems like everywhere you go these days, someone is talking about the recent trend of “quiet quitting.” If you’re unsure about what exactly it means to quit quietly then you’re not alone because there doesn’t seem to be one strict definition. Some say “quiet quitting” is doing only your job, simply doing the tasks you’re paid to do and no longer doing anything outside of your specific job duties. Others say it’s not just about the work you do or don’t do; it’s about how you feel about the work—not beating yourself up when you leave early or...

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4 Steps for Young Workers to Find a New Job After Leaving a Toxic Workplace

4 Steps for Young Workers to Find a New Job After Leaving a Toxic Workplace

Jane finally decided it was time for her to leave her first post-college job. She wanted to leave last year but worried about her lack of experience in the workplace so she held out until she hit her two-year mark. The plan was to leave her current job at the end of June, spend the rest of the summer decompressing, traveling and seeing family. Now that summer is winding down, Jane is back and ready to focus all of her time and energy into finding a new job. She knows what she needs to do: revamp her resume, reach out to her network and work on interview prep. So far, Jane hasn’t done...

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Why Gen-Z Is Publicly Quitting Their Jobs On Tiktok

Why Gen-Z Is Publicly Quitting Their Jobs On Tiktok

There’s a new trend on TikTok: videos of young people secretly recording their bosses and then publicly quitting their jobs. If you spend any time on the social media platform you’ve seen at least one of these videos. It’s no secret social media has changed how we communicate and interact with each other. It has amplified and memorialized people’s stories and experiences. Each generation has a different relationship with social media. While Millennials were introduced to social media when it was still in its infancy, young people today (Generation-Z) have always had social media so they’ve...

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Young Workers Changing Jobs During The Great Resignation

Young Workers Changing Jobs During The Great Resignation

When you were in high school fantasizing about your future career, my guess is you didn’t see yourself working long hours doing the most mundane tasks for a boss who dismisses your ideas at every turn. And I’m pretty sure you didn’t imagine working for an organization that doesn’t align with your values, working on projects with unsupportive co-workers. Now maybe your fantasies center on changing jobs instead. Yet this is the experience for so many young people, which is why movements like the Great Resignation don’t surprise anyone who has been in the working world...

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Having Friends at Work Can Boost Happiness for Young People

Having Friends at Work Can Boost Happiness for Young People

Adulthood brings so many challenges. The most difficult, and least talked about, challenge is making friends at work. When you were in school, you were surrounded by people your age with similar goals as well as similar stressors. Before you know it you’re out on your own, working full-time and all of your friends have scattered across the globe to pursue their goals. Suddenly you look around and realize you’re going to have to start being more intentional about making and maintaining friendships. Then the pandemic hit and now you’re working from home unable to even attempt to create...

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6 Ways Young People Can Practice Self-Care at Work

6 Ways Young People Can Practice Self-Care at Work

Ugh…self-care…again! It seems like anytime you complain about feeling stressed out or overwhelmed the response is always, “You need more self-care.” It comes up so often, it’s easy to simply tune that person out, nod your head and go back to ruminating about work instead of incorporating self-care at work. There are a lot of misconceptions about what self-care actually is. It’s not taking bubble baths or going on long walks alone on the beach contemplating life. Self-care itself is simply the act of caring for yourself. It’s a mindset. You have to believe that self-care will benefit you in...

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How to Combat Burnout in Young Adults

How to Combat Burnout in Young Adults

It’s no secret that after being in a heightened state of anxiety you’re not just burned out…you’re crispy. But how do you combat burnout? You know that anxiety is a part of life and something you need for your survival. You have your day-to-day anxieties like getting out of bed in the morning so you don’t get fired or running across the street when you see a car barreling down the road. There are also anxieties like giving a major presentation. You feel anxious leading up to the big day, more anxiety as the day goes along and the biggest jolt during the actual presentation. Then the...

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Tips for Managing Younger Employees

Tips for Managing Younger Employees

Allie’s post college graduation life isn’t turning out the way she expected. She finished her senior year in her childhood bedroom followed by a Zoom graduation. Pre-Covid-19 Allie had landed a job but two weeks after graduation she learned the company laid-off 30 percent of their workforce including younger employees like Allie. She was disappointed but not surprised. She got back to it and after eight months of sending out resumes and networking with friends, family and anyone who would talk to her she landed her first post-college role. “This is it. I’m an adult,” Allie thought when she...

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What To Say To Your “Languishing” Employees Post-Covid

What To Say To Your “Languishing” Employees Post-Covid

You’ve noticed your best employees haven’t been on top of their game lately but you’re not sure what’s going on. They’ve been meeting deadlines but their work isn’t the same. When you check in during your weekly one-on-ones they seem fine. You’ve asked several times if there is anything you can do but they just tell you, “I’m fine. As best as I can be at this time.”  You don’t say anything because, quite frankly, you don’t feel great yourself. You can’t put the feelings into words but each time you sit down in front of your computer you can’t concentrate and find yourself actively trying to...

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The Key To Being A Great Virtual Leader Is Empathy

The Key To Being A Great Virtual Leader Is Empathy

While both organizations and individuals are unsure of what life will look like post-Covid-19, one thing is for sure: remote work is here to stay. A 2020 Gallup poll found at least 72% of office workers would like to work remotely at least two days a week, while one-third said they would prefer to never go to an office again. This means leaders will have to learn how to effectively manage their teams virtually. Leaders will be leading individuals in different time zones in various environments with little or no information about what’s really going on for their employees. As strange as this...

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Stop Trying to Make ‘Multitasking’ Happen: 5 Ways to Beat Workplace Distractions and Keep Yourself on Task

Stop Trying to Make ‘Multitasking’ Happen: 5 Ways to Beat Workplace Distractions and Keep Yourself on Task

Your plan was to start working at 9 a.m. on the dot. It’s now 9:13 a.m. and you’ve opened up the Google doc with your notes. “I’ve got to get this done,” you think to yourself. Then an email pops up…”Let me check. It might be something important.’s nothing. OK it’s time to start really focusing...oh wait...I need to send an email to my son’s school. After I write the email, I’ll get started on the article.” It’s now 9:45 a.m. and you realize you won’t get as much completed as you thought but you think, “That’s OK, I’ll work on it tomorrow...ooooh a text….” Maybe this wasn’t the first...

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The Impact of COVID-19 on Millennials and Gen Z’s Mental Health (And What You Can Do About It)

The Impact of COVID-19 on Millennials and Gen Z’s Mental Health (And What You Can Do About It)

While everyone is struggling during COVID-19, Millennials and Gen Z are facing a unique set of challenges. Internships are being cancelled, jobs are being furloughed, and they’re unable to network through normal channels for career opportunities. Along with the isolation that accompanies working from home, virtual networking is causing high levels of stress and burnout. All of these combined factors are taking its toll on Millenials and Gen Z’s mental health.  With everything subject to change and so much that’s beyond their control, it’s normal for Millennials and Gen Zers to feel anxious...

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How managers can talk to their employees about mental health

How managers can talk to their employees about mental health

Management has never been a simple or straight-forward role, but now that our world is in the middle of a national crisis, leading a team is more complex and requires you to be present for your team while managing your own anxiety.   As outlined in this article, being a young person in the professional world has changed drastically due to technology and the development of smartphones. No matter what generation you fall into, you’re feeling the pressure to always be connected and respond to emails and other messages at an increasingly rapid pace.  Now imagine being in your 20s and at the...

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The Art of Asking Questions: How to Ask Questions That Connect Ideas and Drive Deeper Insight

The Art of Asking Questions: How to Ask Questions That Connect Ideas and Drive Deeper Insight

When it comes to inspiring and motivating others, it’s not about what you tell them. It’s what you ask. So, what makes a great question? What types of questions can overcome resistance in an organization? What will spark a thought-provoking dialogue? Asking good questions is important because it elevates us beyond current thinking boundaries. As an employer, ask yourself: What am I hearing underneath the variety of opinions being expressed? What new connections am I making? The most effective leaders know how to stimulate curiosity and drive reflective conversation. Through brainstorming and...

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Communicating During Uncertainty: How to Bring Clarity to the Chaos

Communicating During Uncertainty: How to Bring Clarity to the Chaos

It’s one of the most critical life skills nobody talks about. It has the ability to transform our personal and professional lives. And the pandemic has been the ultimate test, forcing all of us to reexamine our strengths and weaknesses. I’m talking about communicating during a crisis.     While communication today is a struggle for everyone, it’s especially difficult for employers. Faced with new and unexpected challenges, they are being asked questions they don’t have the answers to. And this is completely understandable; with everything changing so quickly, it’s hard to keep up and make...

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Your “to-do list” isn’t judging you…I promise

Your “to-do list” isn’t judging you…I promise

 Today I want to talk about something that seems a little silly but the message is important — “to-do” lists. I love a good “to-do” list. Sometimes I’ll write things on the list that are super easy and simple because I love the feeling of crossing it out and feeling this sense of accomplishment. This week’s topic: Reframe your “to-do” listThere’s nothing wrong with “to-do lists.” The problem that I see with these lists is how we judge ourselves based on how many items we have on the list. Here’s a common scenario for my clients. They have a million things to do each day. They...

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Everything You Need to Know About Your Impending Career Crisis

Everything You Need to Know About Your Impending Career Crisis

 “So typical right?! I’m 26 and having a quarter-life crisis! I hate my job but have no idea what I want to do with my life. I’m such a cliché.” These words have probably been uttered by every single twenty-something that has walked through my door.Sometimes she is 28 and says work is “meh” and sometimes she is 23 and has worked incredibly hard to get a position at a top company only to find one year in, she is burned-out. Regardless of age or job, she always feels she is the only person in the world that experiences the dreaded quarter-life career crisis.Well I’m here to say,...

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The Secret Formula to Keeping New Year’s Resolutions

The Secret Formula to Keeping New Year’s Resolutions

 I have a love/hate relationship with resolutions. Like most people I make them every year and usually break them before the end of January. I love the chance to “start over” and erase the mistakes of the prior year and have a “blank canvas” to work with. It allows me to “shake it off” (to quote Taylor Swift) and stop beating myself up about what I did or did not accomplish the previous year.Why do I continue to make resolutions, year after year, even though I have failed in the past?I believe anyone, at any time, can change.I would rather try to change and fail over and over...

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Finding The Best Mentor For Your Success

Finding The Best Mentor For Your Success

 You’re there! You’ve finished college. You landed your dream job. Great! Now, it’s time to get a mentor. Why? You need someone to help you advance your career especially if you want a management role.You were taught as a child not to talk to strangers. Well, the same thing applies when finding a mentor. Mentors need to be people you know. Start making a list of people in your career field who can teach you a thing or two or people who have qualities you want or successes you want to achieve.As you make your list of possible mentors it will most likely include people who inspire...

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Embrace Your Career Fear: If You’re Not Afraid, You’re Not Doing It Right

Embrace Your Career Fear: If You’re Not Afraid, You’re Not Doing It Right

 Everyone experiences fear and anxiety. We need it.Anxiety and fear are your body’s natural response to danger, it’s an alarm that goes off when you feel threatened, under pressure, or are facing a stressful situation.Anxiety in moderation is a good thing. It’s what motivates us to wake up in the morning and go to work for fear of losing our job and not being able to pay our bills. Fear of getting hit by a car prompts us to run across the street to avoid traffic.The problem is that when we are faced with a scary choice or decision, such as quitting our job and pursuing our dream...

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