Mental Health

Tess shares her unique expertise on the challenges young people face today.

Can A Bad Economy Make A Quarter-Life Crisis Worse?

Can A Bad Economy Make A Quarter-Life Crisis Worse?

While it’s never fun or easy to go through a crisis, if you allow yourself to sit with the discomfort of facing the changes you need to make, it can change your life for the better. A quarter-life crisis is a period of uncertainty in which a young person starts to question the direction of their life. It can be a time of great confusion and upheaval but a vital process to better understanding yourself and the kind of person you want to become. Any kind of crisis you go through is challenging. The quarter-life crisis can be particularly difficult because when you’re young, the possibilities...

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3 Ways to Improve Your Mental Health This  Summer If You’re Thinking About Quitting Your Job

3 Ways to Improve Your Mental Health This Summer If You’re Thinking About Quitting Your Job

Do you remember that feeling when you were in school as May became June? The days got longer and longer, the weather got hotter and hotter, and everyone started to count the days until summer break. There was this feeling in the air that anything was possible, and you had two and a half months of long blissful days ahead of you. You’re an adult now, and you work, and the days of two and a half months off are long behind you (unless you became a teacher). Even worse, you’re really unhappy at work, and you’re thinking about leaving your job, but the prospect of spending your summer months...

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The Key To Happiness During “The Big Stay” Is Resilience

The Key To Happiness During “The Big Stay” Is Resilience

First, it was “The Great Resignation,” then it was “Quiet Quitting,” and now it’s “The Big Stay.” While it may seem employees are all over the place these days with what they want, they’re really reacting to a turbulent trauma-filled three years. At this stage, it makes sense that most people are ready for simplicity and knowing what to expect. What Is The Big Stay? The Big Stay, like The Great Resignation, is a new term to describe what’s happening in the workforce right now in response to the mass layoffs, inflation, and rising interest rates. According to ADP Research Group, the rate is...

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5 Ways To Turn Your Quarter Life Crisis Around In 2023

5 Ways To Turn Your Quarter Life Crisis Around In 2023

There is so much pressure in a new year to make big changes, stop bad habits, start better habits, let go of the past, and on and on. If you’re in the midst of a quarter-life crisis, or if you’re at a place in your life where you feel stuck and unsure of which way to go, a new year can create added pressure to have it all “figured out” so this year can be different than the last. Getting through a tough time in your life isn’t about closing your eyes and hoping for the best, and it’s not about looking around and seeing what other people are doing and thinking they know something you don’t....

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4 Mindset Shifts for Young Workers Thinking Of Quietly Quitting

4 Mindset Shifts for Young Workers Thinking Of Quietly Quitting

Have you been thinking about “quietly quitting?” It seems like everywhere you go these days, someone is talking about the recent trend of “quiet quitting.” If you’re unsure about what exactly it means to quit quietly then you’re not alone because there doesn’t seem to be one strict definition. Some say “quiet quitting” is doing only your job, simply doing the tasks you’re paid to do and no longer doing anything outside of your specific job duties. Others say it’s not just about the work you do or don’t do; it’s about how you feel about the work—not beating yourself up when you leave early or...

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Signs of a Quarter-Life Crisis and What to Do About It

Signs of a Quarter-Life Crisis and What to Do About It

What are the signs you’re having a quarter-life crisis? Let’s start here – have you been asking yourself these kinds of questions? What am I doing with my life? Is this what the rest of my life is going to look like? What’s the point of everything? Have you been considering quitting your job, selling all of your possessions and moving to another country? Do you feel unsatisfied in your life and feel stuck and unsure of how you’ll find your way out? If so, you may be going through a quarter-life crisis. The concept of having a crisis in your mid-to-late twenties isn’t new, it’s something...

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Journal Prompts for Problem Solving

Journal Prompts for Problem Solving

When you’re facing a problem, the first solution that comes to your mind might not involve journal prompts, but hear me out… You’ve heard the phrase, “Life’s a journey, not a destination.” Or maybe you heard this version, “Life’s a journey, not a race.” And even better, “Life’s a journey, there is no one ahead of you or behind you. You are exactly where you need to be.” These are the phrases we’ll say to our friends when they’re struggling but when it comes to our problems we don’t want to hear about life’s journey – we want to know exactly how to get there, and once we’re there, exactly...

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6 Ways Young People Can Practice Self-Care at Work

6 Ways Young People Can Practice Self-Care at Work

Ugh…self-care…again! It seems like anytime you complain about feeling stressed out or overwhelmed the response is always, “You need more self-care.” It comes up so often, it’s easy to simply tune that person out, nod your head and go back to ruminating about work instead of incorporating self-care at work. There are a lot of misconceptions about what self-care actually is. It’s not taking bubble baths or going on long walks alone on the beach contemplating life. Self-care itself is simply the act of caring for yourself. It’s a mindset. You have to believe that self-care will benefit you in...

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One Mindset Shift 20-Somethings Can Make to Break the Cycle of Negative Thinking

One Mindset Shift 20-Somethings Can Make to Break the Cycle of Negative Thinking

These past two years haven’t been easy for anyone but for young adults, it’s been especially hard, and it has been so easy to fall into negative thinking patterns. Instead of being able to walk across a stage with your family cheering you on, you were handed your diploma through a car window. After years of fighting for that promotion you finally got it but there was no fanfare or a lunch out with friends. You spent your entire life imagining your wedding day only to realize you either have to compromise on your big day or wait it out. Young people are learning one of life’s hardest lessons:...

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How to Combat Burnout in Young Adults

How to Combat Burnout in Young Adults

It’s no secret that after being in a heightened state of anxiety you’re not just burned out…you’re crispy. But how do you combat burnout? You know that anxiety is a part of life and something you need for your survival. You have your day-to-day anxieties like getting out of bed in the morning so you don’t get fired or running across the street when you see a car barreling down the road. There are also anxieties like giving a major presentation. You feel anxious leading up to the big day, more anxiety as the day goes along and the biggest jolt during the actual presentation. Then the...

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Pandemic Creates Opportunity For Companies To Explore New Ways Of Supporting Mental Health Of Workers

Pandemic Creates Opportunity For Companies To Explore New Ways Of Supporting Mental Health Of Workers

Millions of people across the globe watched Meghan Markle tell Oprah about her own struggles with mental health. Markle recalls being pregnant with her first child and desperately asking “the Firm” for some type of help to address her increasingly frightening suicidal thoughts. No matter how you think about Markle, Prince Harry and the royal family, it’s alarming to hear about someone desperately asking for help and feeling unheard. Anyone who struggles with mental health in this country knows what Markle went through is incredibly common. In October of 2019 Harvard Business Review in their...

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The Surprising Reason Why You’re Feeling Unproductive

The Surprising Reason Why You’re Feeling Unproductive

At some point in our lives, we’ve experienced feeling unproductive and stuck. Despite our best efforts, there are times when it’s hard to get (and stay) motivated. In a culture that places a high emphasis on being productive, many of us have become addicted to busyness. There’s an enormous pressure to meet these high productivity standards and an even greater fear of underachievement. All you have to do is spend two minutes scrolling through social media and you’ll see different ways people are winning in the world: job accomplishments, fitness transformations, home renovations, and the list...

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Why Doing “Nothing” Isn’t Nothing

Why Doing “Nothing” Isn’t Nothing

“I’m so burned out...I know this is what everyone has been saying but this has been a really hard year,” Sarah cried as soon as we started our session, “I mean I had all these summer plans that got cancelled and now I have no idea if I’ll be able to travel home for the holidays.” Sarah went on to tell me about her ever increasing workload and the difficulty she has been having setting boundaries with her manager who messages her at all hours of the day and night with questions and requests.  “When was the last time you took time off from work?” I asked. Sarah stopped for a moment and thought...

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If You’re Always Focusing on ‘The Hustle’ You’ll Miss This Important Thing

If You’re Always Focusing on ‘The Hustle’ You’ll Miss This Important Thing

 This past week I’ve been sick...really, really sick. I haven’t been this sick in a long time and it has been rough.When you’re a kid being sick isn’t great but you get a few days off from school, your mom takes extra care of you and you get to watch bad daytime TV.Getting sick when you’re doesn’t have that same allure. Life continues to move, work piles up and dishes, laundry and all the other things you planned to do are still sitting there waiting for you once you feel better.As I sit and think about the past week all I can think about is how annoyed I am that I...

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How to Identify the Things That’s Holding You Back from Achieving Your Goals

How to Identify the Things That’s Holding You Back from Achieving Your Goals

 Phew!!!! This past month is finally OVER. I don’t know about you but things have been really rough for me.Things have been a little rocky in all areas of my life and biz recently. And I want to be honest, I am human too.When I go through difficult times, it allows me to reevaluate my life in many different ways.And in doing so this past month,  I kept hitting this wall over and over again until I realized what was happening...This week’s topic: Resistance is all around usI was resisting change.Not sure you know what resistance looks like?It’s when you have a great idea or you’ve...

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A Morning Routine to Help You Gain Clarity

A Morning Routine to Help You Gain Clarity

 How’s it going?! Well it’s been quite a month. The sun is finally out and it’s light later and later which I love and I haven’t worn a sweater in a week! You know what that means…spring has arrived.This month we’ve been decluttering and letting go of the big things and the small things in our lives that just don’t work for us anymore. I’ve gotten rid of bags and bags of clothes and shoes and I’ve even managed to get my son to organize his lego collection! (Not an easy task…every set if vital to his collection.)Now you’ve got time and space and you’re ready to move into this new season with...

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What Your Clutter is Telling You (And How to Let Go)

What Your Clutter is Telling You (And How to Let Go)

 My last two articles I’ve talking about decluttering and letting go of the things that are holding you back. Sometimes it is all the physical stuff we have that gets in our way and keeps us stuck. Other times it’s the people in our lives or the situations we’re in that need to go.Hopefully this past week you’ve been decluttering and getting rid of the small things in your life. The small errands you need to run, the phone calls you need to return, the co-worker youneed to tell to stop playing their loud music when you’re trying to work. All those little things that bog you down...

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The Secret to Marie Kondo-ing Your Life’s Clutter

The Secret to Marie Kondo-ing Your Life’s Clutter

 Welcome back! Have you been observing your life and asking yourself the question, “What do I need to let go of?” Are you starting to notice there are things in your life you’ve been tolerating that you’re not willing to tolerate any longer?In my last article I talked about how the simple act of getting rid of chipped plates woke something up in me. Now I know that changing a behavior or maybe letting go of a relationship or good friend is not like tossing a chipped plate into the trash.This first step of observing what isn’t working in your life is just that…a first step. Don’t...

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How to Find Clarity, or What Feng Shui Taught Me About Chipped Plates (And Self Love)

How to Find Clarity, or What Feng Shui Taught Me About Chipped Plates (And Self Love)

Did you watch “Tidying Up” on Netflix? For me it was a master class in how to find clarity. I read Mari Kondo's book a couple of years ago and I got rid of bags of clothes and shoes that don’t bring me joy and lots of other items in my home. It felt good but like most people I fell back into old habits. This year I decided to sign up for a Feng Shui course. If you don’t know about Feng Shui, it’s an ancient art that formed 6,000 years ago in China. It’s hard for me to define it so check out this article if you want to learn more. Back in January I went to a conference in NYC and met a woman...

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Two Words That Are Holding You Back from Loving Yourself

Two Words That Are Holding You Back from Loving Yourself

 I have a confession to make...I have a terrible habit...and it’s a bad one. Every morning I set my alarm for 6am and every morning I hit that snooze button. Not once. Not twice. Like a good 5 or 6 times!I know it’s terrible. The night before I would set the alarm with every single intention to wake up early, work out, get some work done, meditate, read...I had a whole morning planned. The night before...I’m stoked and ready for the next day. How I would feel in the morning...that’s a whole other story.Today, I still set my alarm for 6am and I do hit the snooze, at times, but...

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The List That Will Help You Stop Living In The Future (And Start Being Present)

The List That Will Help You Stop Living In The Future (And Start Being Present)

 Every day as I pick up and drop off my son from school, I take this long winding road up in the hills of Berkeley. We pass by big, beautiful homes that have these amazing views of the Golden Gate Bridge and all of the bay area.Any time I saw a “for sale” sign in front I would imagine what life would look like if I could buy that home. I could see myself waking up in the morning and having my coffee as I looked out across all of Berkeley and into San Francisco.Some days I felt inspired and excited to focus on myself and my business so that fantasy could be a reality but other...

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How to Stop Saying Yes to Things You Don’t Want To Do

How to Stop Saying Yes to Things You Don’t Want To Do

  You might be days away from yet another family function, party, or gathering… are you feeling? Exhausted? Energized? Somewhere in between?As I’ve said (more than once), family functions or even parties mean different things to different people.This week’s topic: Do what makes you happyThis week’s topic is a simple one. Do what makes you happy. Do what makes you light up inside and makes you feel like YOU.If you love family functions and parties and gatherings then please, do them all. Say YES to everything. BUT if this isn’t you...don’t say yes to all the parties and...

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5 Journal Prompts to Help You Set Intentions That Support Your Vision

5 Journal Prompts to Help You Set Intentions That Support Your Vision

 Do you set intentions?Intentions are awesome. Think about how you want to show up this month (day, year) and set an intention that supports that vision.Mine is, “I intend to keep up with healthy habits.” I will tell you I’m the queen of “I’ll start over tomorrow, monday or in the new year.” Time after time I’ve said this and year after year I would eat too much, drink too much, spend too much and assume the new year would erase it all away. (Hint: It doesn’t.) Today’s topic: Reflect You survived “the holidays, your birthdays, graduation partyies, your move…” with or without your...

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How to Choose to Respond Differently to Stress

How to Choose to Respond Differently to Stress

 There are times throughout the year that stress hits us a little harder than other times. It can  hit us during the holidays, birthdays, moving, graduations etc.And I know there are friends that will simply say to you, “Don’t stress.” They mean well, even if it’s frustrating to hear.But actually that’s not bad advice...I mean simply saying, “don’t stress” to someone who is freaking out is not the best delivery but the idea or meaning underneath is exactly what all of us need to do this month.Today’s topic: Choose to respond to stress differently this yearI’m not denying there is...

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How to Self-Care (it’s More Than Just a Hot Bath)

How to Self-Care (it’s More Than Just a Hot Bath)

 How was your holiday? This year my family decided to go to a restaurant and I have to tell you…I loved it! No shopping, no preparing, no cooking, no cleaning…just eat and go. Some of you may be clutching your pearls at the thought of a restaurant on Thanksgiving…me…I thought it was awesome.So what now?! Well, it’s time for you to focus on YOU.The holidays (or any family event), and all the stress that surrounds them takes a lot out of all of us and you need to take some time for yourself to process, regroup and move forward. This week’s topic: Self-care is more than just a hot...

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To create or not to create boundaries…it’s not a question…you must create boundaries.

To create or not to create boundaries…it’s not a question…you must create boundaries.

 Reflecting upon what you want and need from yourself and your family during the holiday season or any time of year is imperative.When I say “what you want and need” I’m talking about determining how you want to behave when you’re around your family and what behavior from your family you’re willing and not willing to tolerate.Many times we assume because “its our family” we have to excuse or tolerate words and behavior that we would never excuse or tolerate from our friends. Not true. As I mentioned last week the beauty of being an adult is YOU get to decide what is OK and not OK...

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The 7 Steps to Surviving Your 20s

The 7 Steps to Surviving Your 20s

The hardest part about being in your 20s  is all the unknowns: Not knowing if you’re in the right career. Not knowing if you’re in the right relationship. Not knowing if you’ll ever find the right career or relationship. Some days life feels amazing, as if nothing could bring you down. Other days… not so much. Here are 7 steps to surviving your 20s. It’s tough to know if you should  just be happy and content for what you have or if it’s time to cut your losses and go in a new direction. I hate to break it to you but the 20-something years are all about uncovering the unknowns. You can’t know...

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What’s really going on between your ears?!

What’s really going on between your ears?!

 What are your thoughts saying to you???If you’ve been practicing the exercise from my last article, then you should be well acquainted with the running inner dialogue that’s saying in your head right now, “Oh wait…I didn’t read your last article…maybe I should go back and do that. Click here to read.…I don’t have time for that…I should get back to work…I have so much to do today…ugh I have that meeting in an hour…I really hate Bob from accounting…all he does is talk………”That’s the running dialogue I’m talking about. Right now as I write this article I’m thinking, “I don’t know...

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There are some fears you shouldn’t run from…

There are some fears you shouldn’t run from…

 Today is the perfect time to talk about fear!!!! I’m not talking about horror movies or haunted houses or cobwebs in the bushes and all the other things associated with this holiday. I’m talking about the various anxieties and fears we walk around with every other day of the year.Overall having certain fears is important. We need our anxiety because it’s what gets out of bed in the morning to go to work to pay our bills and to make sure we look both ways when we cross the street.Those are our human instincts for survival and those are your good “fears.”Today I want to talk about...

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OK…I’ve cleansed! Now What?

OK…I’ve cleansed! Now What?

 In this article I want you to focus on your worth as a person and not get too caught up in being busy, busy, busy all the time.While we think we don’t want to be busy we really do. What..huh?! When you’re busy moving a million miles an hour, running from meeting to meeting, you don’t have to think about anything but how busy you are! This week’s topic: How do you move forward?Our desire to be perceived as “so busy” gets in the way of us being able to get quiet and reflect upon our lives. There’s an exercise I share with my clients called, “The Alarm Exercise” which is a...

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How to be brave even when you’re feeling afraid

How to be brave even when you’re feeling afraid

I often think about how to be brave, and this quote has been stuck in my head since I heard Jon Acuff say it on John Lee Dumas’ podcast, “Entrepreneur on Fire”: "Bravery is a choice, not a feeling." When I think about the act of bravery, I always imagine a warrior on a horse with a giant spear going off to fight for the greater good of mankind. (It just occurred to me that this is the iconic image of Mel Gibson in “Braveheart.” I never saw the movie but I do remember Mel’s half painted face and him screaming Freeeedommm!) But I digress. The quote wouldn’t leave my mind. I then did something...

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How to Navigate Your 20-Something Years (and Keep Your Sanity)

How to Navigate Your 20-Something Years (and Keep Your Sanity)

You -- a 20-something -- are walking down a crowded street, past stores and cafes full of other 20-somethings. As you pass by, you see signs of confidence everywhere: the way the brunette with the knee boots strides into the bookstore. The way the young couple lean into each other over their coffees, knowing smiles on their faces. The way the other passer-bys nod their head as they talk to whoever on their phones. You know their stories all too well, too. Your college roommate has committed herself to a life of true freedom. She’s just bought a camper, sold all her stuff, and is moving to...

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In the immortal words of Siggy Flicker, “Know Your Worth!”

In the immortal words of Siggy Flicker, “Know Your Worth!”

It can be a struggle to truly know your worth. Here's how to start recognizing that you deserve more and deserve better. Well, I guess I can’t hide it anymore…I’m a huge Real Housewives fan. I watch all the cities. I listen to several different housewives podcasts. My sister and I will spend hours on the phone debating Bethanny vs. Carol (I can see both sides but mainly hate that they’re no longer friends.). If you’re not a fan then let me explain…Siggy Flicker was a housewife in New Jersey for about two seasons. People loved her the first season and then her second season she got a little...

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Banish your inner “mean girl” (or guy)

Banish your inner “mean girl” (or guy)

 Are there certain times of the year that you feel you can do things a little differently? You can start over and have a new beginning?For me it’s September, it has always felt like new beginnings for me. Even after I left school and started working full-time there was something about September that made me feel like I could do some things differently. For others, it might be the start of spring.But for you, I want you to know it can be any day you make the decision to do so. This week’s topic: Banish your inner “mean girl” (or guy)This week we’re talking about something each and...

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Let’s clean out your emotional closet…

Let’s clean out your emotional closet…

 Everyday can be a fresh start if you let it be. It can be a time to get rid of the old stuff and start to do things differently.I take time each month to review my life. I cleanse and let go of things that no longer serve me. Let’s talk about what you can let go, what you can keep and what’s your next action step. This week’s topic: ForgivenessI know I just jumped right in but this is an important topic. Here’s the thing about forgiveness, You don’t forgive for the other person, you forgive for yourself.One of the reasons we hold onto our anger and resentment towards someone who...

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The 3 Keys to Forming New Habits

The 3 Keys to Forming New Habits

 Do you have a drill sergeant living inside your head? So many of my clients tell me that they have this voice inside of their head that helps them form and stick to new habits.The problem they tell me is, while they hate this imaginary authoritarian that rules their life; they can’t possibly let themselves “off the hook” and adopt a new way of thinking. If they did that all their good habits and behaviors will magically disappear.Once upon a time the school of thought was you needed to tear a person down and then build them back up in order to form a new habit.Don’t get me...

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