Why Getting Rid of Clutter is Good for Your Health


Why Getting Rid of Clutter is Good for Your Health
Even though our homes are where we lay our heads at night, sometimes we forget to take care of them. As life gets in the way, clutter may start to build up and clog your home. While this is understandable, you should know that too much clutter is actually bad for your health in the […]

Why Getting Rid of Clutter is Good for Your Health


Even though our homes are where we lay our heads at night, sometimes we forget to take care of them. As life gets in the way, clutter may start to build up and clog your home. While this is understandable, you should know that too much clutter is actually bad for your health in the […]

Even though our homes are where we lay our heads at night, sometimes we forget to take care of them. As life gets in the way, clutter may start to build up and clog your home. While this is understandable, you should know that too much clutter is actually bad for your health in the long run. In this article, we’ll explain why getting rid of clutter is good for your health.

It Improves Your Motivation

Cleaning up a messy home is a great way to get yourself in the right mood to be productive. Even just a few cleaning tasks everyday can put your brain in the right headspace to accomplish more during the day. If you have a long to-do list, try to start your day by cleaning a little part of your home. Enjoy the accomplishment and take that energy into the rest of your day.

Less Clutter Means Less Health Hazards

Having a lot of clutter can be quite detrimental to your physical health, as well as your mental health. A cluttered room is more likely to hide things that should have been cleaned up a long time ago. It also gives more room for dust and allergens to collect, which could be a problem for you as time goes on.

It Helps You Let Go of Things

If you find that you have a lot of things that you’re holding onto “just in case,” it’s time to start letting go. Whether it’s old furniture or clothes that you never wear anymore, you’ll feel better once you let those things go. Whether you toss it in the trash or donate it to a good cause like the Purple Heart Pickup association, there will be less things clogging up your mental space.

It Reduces Anxious Thoughts and Feelings

If you look around and you start to get anxious at the mess you’ll have to clean, it’s time to start picking it up because it will only get worse over time. Decluttering is an easy way to reduce anxiety since you’ll be cleaning the one place in the world that should definitely be calming to you. Your home is essential to your mental health and treating it well will make sure it keeps you feeling at one hundred percent.

Now that you know why getting rid of clutter is good for your health, we hope you’ll reconsider giving it a shot. There’s no shame in letting cleaning tasks get away from you, but you owe it to yourself more than anybody to get back on the horse and make your home a better place to live in.

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About Tess Brigham

Hi! I'm Tess…coach, licensed therapist, mom, podcaster, and author of “True You: A Step-by-Step Guide to Conquering Your Quarter-Life Crisis,” and creator of the TRUE YOU coaching course series.



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